New for 2024 - ROVE

ROVE is a solo spatial puzzle game. In each game of ROVE, the player will face a series of mishaps that can only be solved by arranging the 6 module cards in a specific pattern. Moving a module requires Movement Points gained by discarding cards from hand for the listed amount. Players may gain additional Points if their current module layout matches the pattern shown on the discarded card.

Each module costs 1 Movement Point per activation and uses its own unique movement style, such as only moving diagonally or pushing other modules a single space. Modules also have powerful single-use abilities that can help get players out of a tight spot. Properly timing these abilities as well as effectively using the limited number of Movement cards will help the player complete ROVE*s mission successfully.

Players: 1
Length: 15 minutes
Ages: 8
Inc Fascinating Flora , Reconfigured and Crawler expansions


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