GeoBingo The World

GeoBingo The World clr
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Looking for a new way to make geography fun? Bingo! GeoBingo World kids bingo game is an exciting and interactive way to discover the world around you.

Whether in school, camp or at home, in a small group or playing in teams, GeoBingo World inspires a love of learning geography in little and big kids ages 4 and up.

GeoBingo World is easy to play–works just like the bingo you know, with a geographic twist! The game includes 8 bingo boards with 25 countries on each board, 50 country cards with each country*s capital, land area, population and geographic location. Includes plenty of wooden bingo chips. First one to get five countries in a row wins!

Always have on hand a board game and card game that will keep kids engaged and learning. A great toy for boys and for girls, ages 4 and up, it also acts as a word game for kids ages 4-8.

Kids will:

Build fine motor skills
Develop cognitive strengths
Enhance language and vocabulary
Practice turn-taking and social skills

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