Each player starts the party game Curses! by drawing one Curse card and placing it face-up on the table. What? Curses? How can this be a party?! Ah, but these Curses are fun, not malicious, something along the lines of *You can*t bend your elbows* or *You must declare eternal love to anyone who rings the bell during this game*.
After that, each turn in Curses! the active player takes two actions in this order:
Draw a Challenge card. This card presents you with an action you must perform – a role to act out, a story to tell, an opinion to explain.
Draw a Curse card and give it to another player. *You, bark like a dog whenever the player on your right reads a card!*
So where*s the game? You must obey the Curses placed upon you at all times – and if someone notices that you*re not barking or declaring eternal love or doing whatever else it is you*re supposed to be doing, then that player rings the central bell and reveals you for a louse and a nogoodnik. As a penalty, you must turn the Curse card you violated face down. And while you might think that lifting a Curse is good, break three Curses and you*re out of the game. Eventually only one person will remain, and this Curse-loving looney wins the game!