
Trigahex clr
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Trigahex is A simple, strategic, colour-matching card game.

Trigahex offers an engaging experience that will keep you coming back for more.

Trigahex is a game of strategy for 2-6 players.
- Play individually or in a team.
- Suitable for ages 8
- Approximately 10 - 40 minutes. Players can choose the length of play by deciding how many Hexagons win the game (1, 2 or 3).

The Object of the Game:
The first person or team to create the winning number of Hexagons wins the game. Try to create your own Hexagon/s or stop your opponent from creating their Hexagon/s.

Trigahex includes three Triangle coloured decks of cards (54 x Red, 54 x Blue and 54 x Green).
Each player or team chooses a colour to play with.

Win a Hexagon by placing 6 of your cards together to create a Hexagon shape. All the cards in the Hexagon MUST have your chosen playing card colour in the centre of the card.

Before you play:
Decide how many Hexagons to play to win the game (1, 2, or 3).

The first player places a card in the game area. Players then take turns to place a card adjacent to the card/s placed. The colours on the edges of the cards MUST match the edges of the cards they are placed next to.

Action Cards:
If a player places a card that has a White Triangle in the middle, they also pick up an action card.

The *Trash* action card:
A player trashes a card from the game area and it is returned to the bottom of the draw stack.

The *Replace* action card:
A player replaces a card from the game area with a card in their hand. The edges of the card must match any cards in the game area. The replaced card is returned to the the bottom of the draw stack.

The *Stack* action card:
A player stacks a card from their hand on top of a card in the game area. The edges of the card must match the edges of any cards it is adjacent to. The card underneath remains and is stuck in the game area.

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